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Okuma Alaris in the test at the creek

The Okuma Alaris Spin is a new line of spinning rods from the US brand. I bought the smallest version of the rod, the Ultra light with 1.8 m and a casting weight of 2-7 grams. Okuma is known as a manufacturer of inexpensive rods and reels, so the Longbow reels are known for having a great price / performance ratio. In general, Okuma is much better represented abroad than here, so far I have really liked all Okuma reels and rods. I also have a 30lbs boat rod lying around here untested, which I really like. So I went into the test with confidence, which unfortunately wasn’t quite worth it.
First impression and properties
The tip of my ultra light rod is a bit thicker than expected and overall the rod looks a bit cheap. The cork handle is nice, but the material of the roll holder is nothing great, small processing imperfections are also visible here, such as small plastic remnants from production. Clearly a manufacturer can save the most on the reel seat and the rings. For me it is also a bit incomprehensible why one consistently attaches two-legged rings to a UL rod. Of course, with the heavy models of the series, that might make total sense, but not on a UL rod. The plug connections and the ring windings are completely in order, I am satisfied here and the rod also has a hook eye, which I think is good. The rod rings are also well wound and in alignment.

Another feature is the roll holder, which should provide direct blank contact. Either the blank is thickened on the handle part or Okuma tells something about the horse here. Of course, the recess gives me more blank contact, but it’s not as direct as with the Skeletor roller handles.
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The wobble test shows a slight wobble, the rod is not particularly fast but also not a total wobble rod. But it doesn’t have to be for my purpose either. Under heavy loads the rod bends up to the handle. Otherwise it is rather semi-parabolic and bends to the middle. For my project, fishing for trout in the stream, that’s OK.
In practice

I had the rod with me a few times by the stream and also by the small lake and was a bit disappointed with its casting properties, as precise casting is a bit difficult with it. Clearly light baits throw themselves to some extent, but UL really looks different.
My rod throws two grams of bait quite OK, but it only throws baits weighing 4-5 grams upwards, but the rod still throws 12 g wobblers and spoons without feeling overloaded. So the real casting weight is more like 4-15 grams. I haven’t had any fish yet, so I can’t comment on the playing characteristics.
The rod has a few blemishes that you can get over at the price. But for a final conclusion I have to drill a few more fish. Overall, I think the rod is OK for the narrow thaler so far, it is quite fishable. For occasional trout fishing in the stream the rod seems to me to be well designed. For 10-20 € more you get a lot more rod, for example with the Balzer Magna Magic Lure, I also liked the Roy Fisher XS better for trout. Another rod ring and a higher quality reel seat would have looked good on the rod.
Update: I gave the rod to a friend who fished it on some trout rivers in France and was relatively enthusiastic about the rod. Above all because of its robustness, he fished with spinners that were much too big, then caught up against a strong current and if there were still bites, the rod did not slack. This also confirms my previous impression that the rod can withstand a lot. I also stood by when he drilled a 54 cm rainbow trout in his home waters. No problem for the light rod.
Okuma Alaris Spin

- Cheap
- Korkgriff
- Hook holder
- Pretty tough
- Roll holder material
- Throwing weight information